Web UI: Directory preferences do not stick


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I'm having a problem with the directory preferences. I'm using the Linux client version 1.1.82 and its Web UI.

When I try to check or uncheck any settings in the directory preferences menu, for example "Search LAN" or "Use relay server when required", they do not stick.

I unheck something, click on save, open the menu again and it's checked again.

I can also see that that it's still doing UDP broadcasts to port 3838 after trying to disable the LAN search feature that way, so it's not just a visual issue, the settings really have no effect.

Restarting BTSync after un/checking something and saving doesn't help either.


I can see requests like "[20131012 22:23:48.307] HTTP: IP GET /gui/?token=[some login token]&action=setfolderpref&name=[path to that share]&secret=[secret of that share]" are being logged in sync log.

The directory preferences seem to get stored in one of the .dat files though, which are binary, so I can't check if it's being changed there.


The directory preferences do have an effect when I define a share in the config file (e.g. no more UDP broadcats when setting "search_lan" : false,"). But then the Web UI gets disabled, and I need it to watch connected clients, etc.


The general preferences menu in the Web UI works too.

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