[Q]Delete files?


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I delete some files abc in shared folder on computer 1, on computer 2 abc files don't be deleted but computer 1 start to download files abc deleted from computer 2


2 computers connected through internet. I used lastest btsync on 2 computers


How can I fix it?



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I delete some files abc in shared folder on computer 1, on computer 2 abc files don't be deleted but computer 1 start to download files abc deleted from computer 2


2 computers connected through internet. I used lastest btsync on 2 computers


How can I fix it?



Could you please send us debug logs from your machines? 
You need: 
Step 1. Turn on Debug Logging. 
Windows and Mac: click on BitTorrent Sync icon and select "Enable Debug Logging". 
Linux: create file debug.txt with contents of FFFF in the folder where btsync binary is located. 
Step 2. Reproduce issue. 
Please let Sync collect logs for at least 15 minutes to get enough information. 
Step 3. Attach log files to your email and send us. 
Windows: %APPDATA%\BitTorrent Sync\sync.log 
Mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/BitTorrent\ Sync/sync.log 
Linux: ./sync/sync.log 
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I am experiencing a similar issue. Let me explain in detail:


Let's say that I have 2 computers with one synced folder containing one file and one empty folder.

If I shut computer2 down, move the file "computer1\syncedfolder\filename" in the empty folder ("computer1\syncedfolder\foldername") and then sync the next day, the file is added in computer2 ("computer2\syncedfolder\filename") but "computer2\syncedfolde r\filename" is not deleted.


Is it a bug? Or something I am doing wrong? Is it because when I moved the file, computer2 was off?

I can give my logs this afternoon if you want ;)


Thanks in advance!

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