Manually Copy 1Tb, Move Hard-Drive Offsite, Then Start Syncing


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I'd like to start backing up my files (roughly 1TB) linking to my dad's home, who lives next town to me.

  • I have 2 3TB usb empty drives
  • We both have a *not exciting* 10Mbit down / 1Mbit up ADSL connection, enough for incremental back-up, not enough to transfer 1TB
  • I am on OS X
  • My dad has both a windows and linux computer

I am thinking to do something like this:

  • manually sync MYDOCS_FOLDER on the two 3TB drives (3TB_SOURCE / 3TB_CLONE)
  • On my side: add folder MYDOCS_FOLDER (on 3TB_SOURCE) to bittorrent sync
  • give him 3TB_CLONE using the incredible bandwidth of my Ford Fiesta
  • give him the Secret
  • make him install BT Sync and choose the same MYDOCS_FOLDER as target


  • Will it work?
  • How can I solve the filesystem issue? How should I format the drives to overcome the OS difference?

Thanks a lot for your ideas and comments!


Edited by panga
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