Permissions On A Mapped Samba Share


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I have a NAS box with samba shares and a those shares are mapped on my Raspberry PI. I have installed BTSync on the RPI and told it to sync the the mapped share. I have also configured a directory on Windows PC to sync this with. Everything syncs OK but how do I sort the permissions out?


When I create a file directly on the share from my Windows client the permissions are correct

-rw------- 1 charles users

but when I create the file in the synchronised directory on the client the file permissions look like this

-rw-r--r-- 1 charles users 

The fstab on the RPI looks similar to this

//NAS/share1 /home/pi/mount/share1 cifs	credentials=/home/pi/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,uid=1002,sec=ntlm,file_mode=0700,dir_mode=0600 0 0

the .smbcredentials file contain the credentials for the //NAS/share1 and uid 1002 is the uid of the user on the NAS box


The fstab doesnt work if the sec=ntlm isnt present and it seems as though that overides the file_mode and dir_mode settings because no matter what I set there the file permissions are wrong. However the ownership is right so I am doing something right!


Any help would be appreciated

Edited by char1iecha1k
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