Need Help With A Specific Case


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Hi. I find myself in the following scenario:


I have a large collection of pictures I regularly update and I want them shared with many people. I have BTsync 1.4 installed, with about 10 folders shared and between 5 and 100 people connected to various folders. A few of them have write access as well so they can contribute too.


This works well enough but there are 2 major problems:


1) The updates list is a mess. I would like to see updated relevant to me (such as "Paul added new pictures in the cats folder") Instead I see 50 messages like "finished synching with some random user" whcih tell me nothing of use and are pretty much spam.


I don't know how this is in BT sync 2 but I'm really hoping it was changed because the way it was couldn;t have beben that helpful to many people


2) If all of a sudden I want to remove write access to some of those users who i deemed trustworthy before, I can't do that,


So, if I and only I upgrate to BT sync 2, what will happen?

1) is the updates history improved

2) can i act as an admin and give or remove write access to various users whenever I feel like it (act like an admin)?

3) what of all the other users who are already connected to the shared folders but have BT sync 1.4? Will they have to upgrade to v2 as well?

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