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Everything posted by nanotech

  1. File returns a GET error for me. I have installed the Linux-ARM variant on a TS-412 (ARM variant with RAID5 array) successfully using the files downloaded from here, autostarting using the instructions on the QNAP Wiki, method 3 specifically. I did as follows Copied the btsync_arm.tar.gz file onto my Multimedia share from a PC on my network SSHed into the QNAP as admin and ran the following blocks: mkdir /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/BTSync tar xzvf /share/Multimedia/btsync_arm.tar.gz That gets the application installed into a folder on your NAS. You can run it by typing "/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/BTSync/btsync &" and then open http://my_nas_name:8888 to verify it's running. To autostart it on system reboot, I did as follows, per the autostart wiki: mkdir /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/autorun cd /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/autorun/ nano chmod +x Note that for different NAS systems, MD0_DATA may be HDA_DATA instead. I think MD0_DATA only exists when you have a RAID5/6 array. When editing the file using nano (you may need OptWare QPKG installed first, and need to run "ipkg install nano" to use this editor) put the following lines into it. You can use vi instead of nano if you know what you're doing: #!/bin/sh /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/BTSync/btsync & (I'm not sure the "&" is required.) I then pointed the "real" autostart file (which is stored on the flash and shouldn't be modified frequently) at the one I just created. Note, this varies per the wiki linked above depending on your model and firmware revision. ext4 may be ext2, and dev/mtdblock5 may be different. Be careful! mount -t ext4 /dev/mtdblock5 /tmp/config nano /tmp/config/ chmod +x /tmp/config/ umount /tmp/config The edited file should contain the lines below (only): #!/bin/sh /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/autorun/ & Finally, I rebooted the NAS, SSHed back in, and checked for the program running at http://my_nas_name:8888. All well! Good luck to you, no warranty expressed/implied