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Everything posted by dutt

  1. Updated with more info as requested.
  2. Yesterday I installed btsync om my three computers, linux mint desktop(x64), debian squeeze server(ARM) and macbook air. The desktop and air are syncing perfectly, it was a breeze to set up. However the server won't write any files. The software starts up, I can view the web gui and set up a folder to sync and it seems to start syncing, but the byte count never goes above 0. The folder structure is created, but only one file and it's empty. Any ideas? Something with access rights? Looking at the debug log it seems like the files are listed correctly and sized into packets, it get a local peer to transfer from...and then nothing happens. After looking around in the forums it seems a bit related to this issue: http://forum.bittorr...9-under-debian/ Here are the logs: http://badsynthesis....esktop.sync.log and http://badsynthesis....server.sync.log I tried starting btsync on the server as root but that did not help. I tried adding a file("chess2_rulebook2-4.pdf") on the macbook air to see if both my linux machines had write problems but it showed up perfectly on my desktop, but not the server. Let me know if you need more info and I'll do my best to provide it.