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Posts posted by rusl

  1. In your btsync.conf file you want the WebUI to listen on where XXXXX is the port you choose to use. This should make it only visible to "localhost". You should then be able to access the webui within your local network on http://localhost:XXXXX/

    Give that a go and test if it works, and whether or not it's visible from outside. You shouldn't have to change anything in any firewalls or routers. I was running this setup for several months without problems.

  2. I tried modding the webui myself a few weeks back. I unpacked the zip file and tweaked the HTML to include my own logo instead of the BitTorrent Sync one. I did this only so I could visually identify my different BTSync servers in different tabs.

    When I rebooted my servers it wiped my changes and returned to default! 'Twould be nice to be able to change the title or at least have a custom text field in the interface so those of us with multiple servers could easily identify which one is which without having to memorise the IP addresses!

    I've asked for this more than once in the Wishlist thread. I think the devs are prioritising the protocol, security, battery efficiency (mobile app) and those sorts of things rather than worrying about aesthetic tweaks at this point. And fair enough.

  3. I had a similar issue where I was changing the contents of a file (comparable to changing exif tags within an image file) but I wasn't changing the file timestamp (modification date) and BitTorrent Sync didn't pick up the change. I ended up having to change some settings in my software to prompt the program (in my case TrueCrypt) to change the file timestamp when I made changes to the file.

    BitTorrent Sync will detect changes based on the file timestamp. If the file size stays the same and is not renamed and the timestamp doens't change then BTSync won't see a change and won't sync across the file. It needs to be given a clue that the file needs changing and timestamps let it know which file is the newest out of your local and remote files. If they have the same timestamp it won't sync them. This is what was happening to me and sounds like it's happening to you.

    Is there a way to get Picasa to change the file timestamp when you change the exif properties? Changing exifs is in fact changing the file so it should in theory update the timestamp or have the ability to do it with a preference/settings change.

    Sorry I don't use Picasa so I can't help with Picasa-specific things, but I hope my explanation leads you in the right direction to get it working.

  4. Would be nice to be able to configure all of the settings for a folder before making it live. You currently can set the folder location on your disk, then set the secret. It then goes live. You then have to open the folder preferences to remove the tracker, relay, etc and configure your pre-defined hosts. I'd like to set up everything before it starts broadcasting its existence.

  5. I just renamed a folder "testfolder" that sits within a shared folder. I renamed it to "testfolder_modified". It has several files inside it.

    BitTorrent Sync deleted the entirety of "testfolder" and all of its contents, then transferred the entire "testfolder_modified" and all of the contents.

    I would love for this behaviour to change since I have many nested folder and often rename a folder with an appended word such a "folder" to "folder_done".

  6. Wow. This is awesome. I just tried it and it's great. I have some questions, of course.

    So I gave your site a read-only secret to a test folder I created and I notice that your site joins my shared folder straight away. It appears to have synched my folder pretty much as soon as I gave your site the secret. I just placed a simple example.txt file in there for testing. So you then have a copy of my example.txt file on your server....

    So you've created a web front-end which provides access to the file-system on your server, basically?

    This is *exactly* what I wanted to achieve but I'm not a programmer or particularly handy with servers/Linux.

    What measures are in place to protect any random person from stumbling onto my shared folder? It appears that if I don't use the optional "name" then it is just the shared secret added onto the domain name. If I use the optional "name" field then the URL is even easier. Is it possible for these addresses to be scraped by a bot/crawler? Is there a robust mechanism in place to prevent directory listings. Silly question but as a newbie I don't know how these things work. Have you thought about creating a folder name and password which can be used to access the folder - the idea being that a shorter password is easier to remember than typing in the long shared secret?

    I've asked in the wishlist thread for web access to the file system for individual downloads and here you've just solved it.

    Good work. Are you planning to commercialise / open source / keep it to yourself ? (Edit: hint: I'd love to run my own instance of this on my VPS!)

    Edit 2: So I just removed my shared folder from my BTSync client and it remains on your server. How long do you plan to keep the contents of a removed shared folder before you consider it abandonned? Maybe you should specify to the users something like: "Your client must synch with this server at least once a week or your folder will be deleted". Just a thought..

  7. A few weeks since my last wishlist post. I'll repeat a few and add a few:
    1) Selective Sync for desktop clients.
    2) HTTPS connection for the Linux WebUI.
    3) The .SyncIgnore settings should be moved to the GUI. Tweaking text files (especially hidden files on the Macintosh) is tedious.
    4) Include the ability to remotely administer the file system through the WebUI - create and delete folders in the remote file system. Also would be nice (but probably beyond the scope of BTSync) to be able to selectively download single files from the remote host via the WebUI. That would be oh, oh, oh so nice for quick web access to your personal 'cloud' when you're on the road and just need a single file. This is different to my earlier request for selective sync. This web-based download would work from any computer, not just one with the client installed. Think of internet cafes, someone else's computer, work computer that happens to not have the client on it.....
    5) Mobile app - ability to choose pre-defined hosts, turn off tracker, etc. Also password protection on the app perhaps.
    6) Proxy support (eg corporate networks).
    7) Have the Linux WebUI re-designed with best practice "responsive design" for mobile client compatibility. The web page is desktop only and doesn't scale well on mobile. Have a look at for an example of amazing responsive page which adapts dynamically to the browser width as the window is resized. Looks great on any size screen. No need for separate desktop and mobile pages - just one page that "responds" to the viewport width.

    Another point: I know this was discussed on another thread but the name of this project (and of course the company behind it) has the words "Bit Torrent" in it. The amount of friction I've encountered in the corporate world when I mention this app is huge and it's purely because of the name. When I say FTP I get positive responses from the IT departments, but when I mention "torrenting" work documents around they just flatly refuse and won't even discuss it. I know it's the name of BitTorrent Inc but I honestly think a less obvious name like "BT Sync" would go a long way towards getting it accepted by more conservative IT/corporate players.

    Loving it so far, all good. Keep up the good work.

  8. Please refer to the section in the FAQ about ".SyncIgnore".

    The Macintosh system uses invisible files/folders such as .DS_Store, .fseventsd, and .Spotlight-V100 to remember the preferences for your Spotlight searches, metadata about the viewing preferences for windows, etc..

    These are ignored by default by BitTorrent Sync. You can turn on synching for these files and folders by changing the text files within .SyncIgnore. See the FAQ and the unofficial FAQ which are stickied in the forum for details about that procedure.

    Also, version 1.1.69/1.1.70 has now been released and has many significant improvements in speed and efficiency.

    Edit: What do you mean by destructive behaviour? I synch between two Macs using the default .SyncIgnore settings and haven't noticed anything destructive. Please expand on that description. Cheers.

  9. Interesting. We will put apk back somewhere on the site, so you could download it.

    kos13, I've looked all over the site and still can't see an apk download for the recent Android apps. Those of us without access to Play Store are stuck on 1.1.21 while we continue to upgrade our desktop clients without hinderance. I'm looking forward to updating the Android client - then I can continue to use this awesome app and contribute to the testing / feedback!

  10. Using Linux Web UI 1.1.48. I click on the gear icon next to a share. I type in

    a bunch of pre-defined hosts. Now I want to delete one of them from the

    middle of the list. I click the little grey X next to it. The wrong host

    is deleted. It usually deletes on a last-added/first-deleted basis like

    a stack.

    Also, sometimes when I type out the dotted quad and port number of a new pre-defined host

    and then click Add it doesn't appear in the list. I have to close the

    dialog box and re-open it to get the new host to appear. So therefore it was added, but just didn't show up in the interface rendering.

    This has been happening since 1.0.34. I kept thinking that surely someone else would report it before me and thus it would get fixed, but amazingly not. Surely I'm not the only one. It happens on all of my Linux Web UIs with consistency.

  11. Same issue with battery drain. Samsung Galaxy S2, Android 4.0.4, I'm not a heavy user (not even on a data plan at the moment), so my battery usually lasts easily a day, and maybe two. Now it's barely getting through one day.

    For the people having battery issues: are you leaving BTSync running continuously the whole day? That would be like leaving a continuously refreshing webpage open all day. Of course it will use up the battery and probably a reasonable amount of data too.

    I open the app if there is something I want to move such as a photo or some music. I then exit the app when it is finished.

    I would be amazed if anyone needs to leave it running continuously all day. What are you people doing with your phones? I must be doing it wrong.

  12. 1) HTTPS for the Linux Web UI.

    2) Pre-defined hosts for the mobile app. Ability to turn off DHT, tracker, etc.

    3) Selective sync for desktop clients. Specifically - clients should be able to browse the full file list available from all remote shares and then selectively download what is required without doing a full sync.

    4) Linux Web UI: Much more detail about progress of downloads, which files are queued, which are complete. The Macintosh interface has quite a bit of that detail but the Linux Web UI is lacking. Actually, a native Linux client would solve all of this. The Web UI is beautiful, particularly for remote access and control, but a native client would be much better for a local machine.

    5) Linux Web UI: How about listing the Device Name right next to where it says "Version 1.1.48 (up to date)". I have several tabs open with Web UIs for each of my remote machines and I either have to memorise the URLs (IP addresses) or click on Preferences to find out which one the name of the machine I'm looking at. I customised the HTML to replace the BitTorrent logo but it reverted upon reboot :)

    6) Password protection for the mobile app.

    7) Ongoing availability of apk downloads for Android app. Some of us don't have access to Google Play Store.

    Overall a wonderful app/service and I continue to enjoy using it. Thanks.

  13. I want to install this on a Parrot Asterisk Smart, which does not have access to the Google Play Store.

    The last Android download I found on the website was here (and still is at the time of this posting):

    It seems to work fine with 1.1.48 desktop version. I've been methodically downloading all versions for all platforms and compiling an archive in anticipation of it going Google-only at some point.

    I can't find any links to version 1.1.27 (which is the latest one in Google Play).

    I certainly won't be Googlizing my phone just to download an app. I have a bunch of friends using Android devices that don't use Google accounts either so I guess at some point BTSync will go GooglePlay-only and we'll be stuck with whatever the last free version was.

    I hope a link to 1.1.27.apk is posted soon on the website. I understand they don't want rogue versions floating around but the best way to avoid that is to have an official version on the official website. If an official apk isn't posted I'll have to investigate rogue methods and I really don't want to do that with my phone. At least 1.1.21 works for what I need so if I never get to upgrade from it I won't be too upset. Mind you, pre-defined hosts from the mobile would be sweet.

    Mods, devs: any word?

    Sorry if I missed an obvious link to the latest apk; there seem to be several threads and webpages which link to downloads and they each have different information and versions on them. A bit confusing.

  14. Happy to share some more details if anyone is interested.

    This thread has moved away from commercial servers and more toward home-brew DIY rigs. I like it. Tell me more about this hd-idle thing. I actually stopped using the HDD with my Raspberry Pi because it was sitting there spinning away 24/7 and I thought that might be bad for it (especially since it's a self-powered 2.5" portable drive). Is that a line of code you put in a config file somewhere?

    Also, are you running your Pi with a wifi dongle or the ethernet cable? I'm using a wifi dongle (because I don't have ethernet in the other room) and the transfer rates are terrible (2 megabytes/sec). Is the ethernet any faster using BTSync?

    Once I get a satisfactory RasPi rig running I'll be seeding it at home and then taking it over to my parents' house. They just upped their internet plan to a quota which is 10x their actual use. Brilliant.. Unfortunately we still don't quite have fast enough internet here to make movie sharing practical, but if we ever do I'll be doing that for sure. Currently we rely on carrying harddisks around sneakernet style.

    edit: legal moving sharing of course.

  15. It's still a US company, so the US govt are free to reach out to any server they control regardless of the actual US borders.

    I live in Australia and I have no doubt that our government could reach out and grab anything they wanted, too. Although they don't say it publicly.

    If you have a need for serious privacy and security and you really need an off-site backup and can't make your own server in a friend's house then you should be putting everything in TrueCrypt containers (or similar) which should be as good as bullet-proof even if the snoops have a peek.

    There is, however, a practical limit to how well you can protect your stuff. I refer to's classic cryptanalysis comic:

  16. I've grabbed myself a $7 Backupsy host for the time being... I'll see how it goes. I'm wary of it being US based, and it would be nice if they had native IPv6 but they're young, we'll see what happens :)

    Backupsy now have servers in the Netherlands. Yes, the company seems to be USA based though. We live in a global world.

    I over-reacted to the NSA thing too, and transferred my Backupsy from USA to Netherlands. After doing this I read an article about the Dutch government running their own program.. We're all stuffed...

    I get upload speeds to my Netherlands Backupsy at about 1 Mbps. That's the upload speed I get to every internet service since it's the theoretical limit of my copper lines :) I ran from my server (through the console, graphical linux, firefox) and it was downloading between 200 and 400 Mbps. It's meant to be 1Gbps but I haven't seen that yet. Those sorts of speeds are purely academic for me anyway given the bottlenecks at my end.

  17. Yes I have Backupsy as well. $5/month for 250gig storage with a promotional code found by searching Storage up to 2TB (I'm sure they can customise something with more storage if you submit a support ticket. Very fast and efficient tech support and they even downloaded my Linux distro of choice off a website and made it available on my VPS for me for no charge (I think it's usually only a $2 fee to do that anyway!). Recommended.

  18. Hey cool you're using Backupsy. I'm using them too.

    I have almost identical set-up to you. I have read-only on Backupsy server, read-only on Raspberry Pi (on my local network), and I have a Linux desktop which is read/write. I make changes on the Linux desktop computer and the changes are propagated at fairly high speed to my Raspberry Pi which is on my local network. Once I notice the Raspberry Pi is synched (and Backupsy is not even close to synched because my uplink is slow) I turn off my Linux desktop and I go outside to play in the sunshine (or go to sleep at night). When I wake up in the morning I check the Backupsy server and it has caught up and synched to the Raspberry Pi (and my desktop computer). Hence, the Rappberry Pi and Backupsy server are both read-only and they do share data to complete the synch when my only read-write computer is offline.

    From what you say it sounds like your Microserver isn't talking to your Backupsy server. Try stopping BTSync on your Desktop PC, but use the Web UI to check on your Microserver and Backupsy to see if they're talking to each other while your Desktop is "offline" from the share.

    To assist with the connectivity I would suggest you enter a 'pre-defined host' in the folder settings pointing to the static IP address of your Backupsy server since that IP address never changes and Backupsy is always online. Do this on all computers that share with the Backupsy server.

    This is what I have done and it seems to be working.

    Also, is there any special reason why you don't use read/write for your Backupsy and Microserver ? I've found it handy if I'm remotely accessing them I can send config files back to my Desktop from the servers. Or do you not trust the security of your servers?

  19. The GNU/linux experience is just vastly inferior(the web interface doesn't even have half of the features in the stand alone GUI) and is really frustrating as I desperately want to use GNU/linux as my primary OS but things like this always have me going back to windows for ease of use.

    This is the reality of using GNU/Linux as your primary OS. The best things in life are free, but seldom easy. It is hard for developers to make shiny applications for a minority user-base, most of whom prefer to hack away at the command line with config files anyway. I'm thankful every time a developer choses to support GNU/Linux in any way, especially when their product is also largely free. The config file is well documented in these forums and allows you to tweak just about any settings. It's also great because you can SSH to your computer and edit it through the command line. You'll learn to love it - stay strong.

  20. I'm using 1.1.27 on Mac OSX 10.6 (MacBook Air), 1.1.27 on Linux (Mint 13) on two different computers, 1.1.27 (ARM version) on Raspberry Pi Model B, 1.1.7 on mobile phone (HTC using Android 4.0.x). Everything just works perfectly. Sorry I can't contribute to any bug-fixing! :)


    1) Mobile app: Password or pass-gesture to open the app.

    2) Desktop / Web UI: Ability to browse remote content and then selectively download one or two files without doing a full sync.

    3) Web UI still needs a confirmation before deleting a share. Too easy to accidentally delete a share and all of the settings.

    4) Would also be nice to be able to create new folders on a filesystem via Web UI when browsing to select a folder to share ('Create New' option).

    5) Web UI and desktop clients: Would love to have a checkbox for each folder to make that shared folder inactive without actually deleting all of the settings for it (the secret, the predefined hosts, etc). I could then exclude particular computers (which have small and expensive bandwidth) from a large file movement. Once I had moved that file and then removed it from the shared folder at the other end I could re-activate the shared folder on the computer with the limited bandwidth. I think this would be simple to implement. My current workaround is to copy all of the settings into a text file, remove the shared folder, and then re-create the share later by pasting secrets and settings from the text file. Not elegant.

    Features aside, the software is working bug-free and without nuances for me. Couldn't be happier. Keep up the good work devs and designers.