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Posts posted by g3blv

  1. I've got Resilio sync running on a Synology NAS. When I click on the Resilio icon when I'm logged in to the NAS it gives me the wrong port in the link and sends me to http://[NAS_IP]:28888 while it should be http://[NAS_IP]:8888 (where I can login). When I was previously running BTSync on the NAS it was on port 8888. When I installed Resilio on the NAS I guess 8888 was occupied by BTSync so it got port 28888. I recently removed BTSync from the NAS since I'm using Resilio now. I changed the config file for Resilio to 8888 for consistency with the other Resilio installations I have. But it seems like the NAS still thinks it is on port 28888. How can I fix this so that I get the right port in the link?

  2. Hi,

    I'm using Resilio sync Free to sync folders across two computers/devices. How can I limit so only these two computers/devices can sync these folders? I am thinking of a scenario when someone else gets hold of the rw sync keys for the folders and would sync the folders to a third device. They would then be able to get and delete the content of folders. I would like to setup sync in such a way that it is only these two computers that are allowed to sync the folders no matter if someone else has the sync keys. And explicitly approve devices every time a new device tries to sync a folder. Is this possible to do in the free version?

  3. I followed the guide here https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/206178924. I got everything setup and working. I then restarted my computer and now I have two instance of rslsync running. One is running under user rslsync and one is running under my username. When I try to access Resilio through I get to an instance that haven't been setup, I think it is the one running under rslsync (it suggest rslsync as the name for sync node). How can I remove one of the instances? Which one is best to keep, then one running under rslsync or my username? I guess keeping the one running under my username will make it easier in terms of folder and file access but maybe there is some other downside to it.

  4. Hi,


    I have a few folders setup for syncing. Most of them work fine but I have issues with folders that contain many files and subfolders. I have a music library that I know is about 53.8 GB in size and contains 11,092 items but in btsync I only see 50.1 GB 9,483 files. The diff in items vs. files could probably be due to that items take folders into account but I would expect the size to match. When I later try to sync this folder to another computer via btsync I see the arrow for download and also the size 50.1 GB that needs to be downloaded but is seem like nothing actually gets downloaded. When I go into the folder on the computer I try to sync to I can see the subfolders but no files. How should I investigate this issue? Any ideas on what is going wrong is welcome.