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  1. @RomanZ. Got it. Many thanks. I've learned something new today.
  2. thanks RomanZ, I'll give it a go. One question though,where does it download the package too? thanks for the continuing education.
  3. x86_64 GNU/Linux synology_cedarview_1813+ Is what I get. But my knowledge of getting around via SSH is limited, I don't know hot to get to the bin folder to replace the appropriate files. This is the kind of thing I need to know how to do once and then I'll be able to do it for as long as I need.
  4. I've been using synocommunity to install and update my btsync on my Synology DS1813+, but now it seems synocommunity has become a bit unreliable. How can I update this manually? Do I need to take remove it first from the packages and then re-install it manually? Regards Total Noob