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Posts posted by skeezix

  1. OK, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
    Sync is working fine. Unsure what changed except I *think* I deleted the files --which haven't reappeared-- from the machine from which they were originally added, if that makes a difference.

    And I added a text file today, everything sync'd and looks good to go. 24 hours, no issues.


    Thanks for the dialogue.


    Interestingly, and I'm obviously vaguing something, I turned on logging (Win 7), yet can't find the logs. %APPDATA% is to me sort of hazy. Assuming I installed in c:\program files(x86) , where might the logs be? Isn't in the Bittorrent Sync directory, nor in c:\users\eric that I can tell ....



  2. Affirmative, yes using the 1.3.94 version.
    Kindly, where are the logs stored? Happy to pass them on. *LOVE* the application, yes I run out of seconds in my day to properly research everything. Happy to help, hate to be a numb-nut.


    skeezix (Boise, ID).

    Aha. I see now.
    I'll work on that tomorrow, and pass them on. Thanks.



  3. The "no point in this" seems sort of counter-productive for the task at hand. Myself, I have a Mac box, and a Win 7 box in sync, and half a dozen or so directories I share variously w/ different people. Some are full-access, others, RO. I have no idea which box added what file when. When I first started using this marvelous application, it really didn't cross my mind deleting files would be a problem, so didn't pay no never-mind where, as in which box, a file was added from. Couple that with a few shares involving different people and suddenly all this is an issue.
    Has there been any traction on a fairly intuitive, non-kludgy way to manage all this?
    At this point I'm thinking uninstall/re-install? Really?

    I'm not carping, but I have a couple of pretty non-technical folk I'm sharing with, and heck, deleting files and not having them re-appear would seem to be a pretty basic function.
    I'm not a programmer, but hold them in high regard. This isn't easy on a PAID good day!!