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Posts posted by SpikeDaPenguin

  1. Thanks RomanZ, your idea for the Read-only makes perfect sense and if things get crazy I'll use that.


    For anyone else using BitTorrent Sync but don't want to use the Read-Only idea, I just found a tip that works :

    #1. Make sure you can see hidden files on your computer.

    #2. Open .SyncIgnore with Notepad.

    #3. Paste this below everything that's already typed in :

    #Unity Ignore files/folder below



    This makes it so I can still work with my project from place to place and not have BitTorrent accidently change anything.


    Thanks again RomanZ!

  2. An example is when I imported a group of files from the Unity Asset store it caused Unity to hang and ultimatly crashed.  I saw BitTorrent sync trying to sync while the importing was happening so I figured BitTorrent Sync was accidently messing up the files that were being imported.  I say this because, for example, when I imported the uFrame asset into Unity the files were 'changed' in the process making the asset not work.  I contacted the person who made uFrame and he mentioned everything was normal on his end so something deffinantly got changed on my end.  Also could you give a step-by-step on how to use a ReadOnly key as you suggested?


    Edit :  Also I was looking up on how to sync Unity to github and they mentioned having a SyncIgnore for a couple of folders to make it smoother.  Is there a thing similar to that (that being SyncIgnore) in BitTorrent sync?

  3. Unity3D developer here and I'd like to be able to have my unity files synced while I work (I know this slows things down but I like having the security that my files will be synced) but because it syncs while I work 'instantly' it tends to mess with the files and makes importing from the Asset store a hassle.  I don't understand the advance controls so could someone help me out?  I'd like to make the sync process wait for at least 5 minutes before it starts syncing new files, how can I do this?