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Posts posted by 29988122

  1. If you are using Windows, why don't you just make an advanced search in the archive folder with the date Criteria, then just copy and paste the results into a new folder somewhere else?

    In Linux you can do similar from GUI or use find command.

    I tried this, but I later found that I cannot preserve the folder strutures - which is needed.


    For example:

    .sync\archive\Settings\module 1\a.40.cfg

    .sync\archive\Settings\module 2\b.25.cfg

    .sync\archive\Settings\module 2\fuction 2\c.30.cfg


    If I chose them via everything(an advanced NTFS file searcher which supported regular expression), I don't know how to keep the relative path intact, so my program can work... : (

  2. My situation:


    I have a folder in sync, which contains about 8000~files.


    Most of the setting files inside it are corrupted due to an unfortunate crash.



    Thanks to bittorrent sync, I have older version of files inside the archive folder which can be used as backup.

    I know that I can pick up all the 8000~ files before certain date, as they are not corrupted.

    But itseems that It's impossible to choose them manually - neither bittorrent sync provided version control nor I can write a script to do it.


    So, if I backed the whole archive folder, will bittorrent sync someday start to provide revert functions(version control/date), and thus I'm able to do the revert things ?


    Thank you!