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Posts posted by lamaz

  1. I found a solution. Maybe this helps someone else with the same problem, too.


    It looks like some folders are in a weird state between read/write and read only. 


    • Mouse over the folder shows "Read & Write Standard Folder"
    • Options menu shows "Copy Read Only key" but not "Copy Read & Write key"
    • In preferences "Overwrite any changed files" is enabled. This should be only with read only folders


    I don't know why this happened, maybe from the update from 1.4 to 2.x. I have never used read only folders. So I deleted all the syncing on all devices and added all the folders completely new with new read write key. It was a lot of work but now everything seems woking fine like before.

  2. I have the same problem. Version 1.4 was working very well. Then I upgraded to Version 2. Now more and more files are not getting synced any more. 


    Most files in one folder are synced, but some are not. First I noticed this with only one file in one folder. Now more and more files are not synced in several folders. 


    The files are listed correctly in history view when changed. History also shows history shows the folder "finished sync with [remote peer name]". But the files are never transfered.


    I've tried the same things (pausing, restarting...)  like lekjaz. No luck.