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  1. But is there a distinction between business use and personal use ? Because I received another answer from : "In depends on for what purposes do you wan to use Sync: -If you want to use Sync for personal purpose you can buy a Personal Pro license which allows you apply it to different devices running Sync under different identities if you want to share separate folders for each device. Another way is to them under common identity in this case Pro license propagates to others and they can use selective sync feature on ther devices. -If you want to use Sync for bussiness purpose you have to buy a license per person according to EULA -> It's for a little non business use , so If I have to use one license per user , I will just switch to another solution without buying one license...
  2. It gave me some points but not fully (as I understand) answer my questions. And I would be sure before to buy ...
  3. Hi, I plan to buy a license for Bt Sync pro but I'm not sure if a signe license is enough: I have a server with a lot of pictures I want to share with a little group of friends. But each of these friend should be able to use selective sync in order to choose what he want to download or not. If I get a license for the server and share its ID with my friends, is it ok , or each of my friend need a license (and in this case I would have to find another software) to be able to use pro features ?