Medieval Guy

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  1. Debug logs uploaded. Thanks! Correction...I can't upload the files. I get an error message "The upload took too long, connection was lost." Is there another way to get you the files?
  2. Sorry...both computers are Windows 10, with BitTorrent Sync 2.3.3. Current BTS memory usage is c. 210-215. This morning, restarting BTS twice on both computers did NOT cause a connection. So for kicks I fired up my laptop (also Win10, BTS 2.3.3, similar memory usage for BTS), and it connected to both the office and home computers. At that point, a third restart of BTS on the office computer had the same effect (connected to the laptop; not to the home computer); a third restart on the home computer and everybody finally connected. My impression of past experience is that more often restarting BTS on the office computer will do the trick, but sometimes it's the home (as in this morning's case). This may be the first time it's taken multiple restarts (i.e., more than one per machine) to get it all going. Hope that helps...thanks!
  3. I've had a problem lately with BitTorrent Sync loading and indexing, but not connecting to other online peers. If I shut down BTS and restart it, it then works properly (although I may have to also do it on another machine to find the one that's causing the problem). It happens on both of the computers I use regularly; I haven't noticed it on computers I use less frequently, so I'm not sure if it's universal. Anybody have a clue what's going on? Thanks!