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Posts posted by arjay

  1. Thanks for the info.  I have taken the option to try out Pro for 30 days and, if all goes well, I will be taking out a subscription.  Presumably this will allow me the options you are talking about?

    Anyway, at the moment I am just experimenting to understand how everything works but it is looking good just now (I am still using Google Drive with Google sync on the windows PC and my own way of syncing to Linux because Google don't have a sync app for Google drive on Linux. Hopefully I will be getting rid of Google Drive and replacing it with Resilio plus a daily backup to an external HDD.


  2. Hi Helen.  Well actually I had not been so silly. I had already installed Resilio on an Ubuntu PC but had forgotten that I had rebooted in the meantime and of course Resilio does not restart on Ubuntu after a reboot. (I know how to do that I think, but that is for later).

    Once I restarted it I managed to get a sample folder synced  between a Win 10 PC and a Linux box.  So that is a good start.  Now I am just wondering how to get all of 75 or more folders which are on the Windows PC to sync with the Ubuntu one without having to select each folder and then send an email and manually register every one on the Ubuntu machine.  That would take for ever!

    Surely there must be a quicker way to do this? How about this idea:  Can I put all 75 folders in one new folder, sync the one big folder and then separate them out again on one of the PCs so that the changes are synced to the others?

    Thanks again


  3. Helen - very kind of you to respond - much appreciated.  Actually, I did paste the links into Firefox and Chrome running on the Ubuntu PC. Maybe that was the problem.  I will try the option(s) you advised.

    I must say i find it a bit confusing/laborious if, as I understand, I have to keep doing this for every folder I want to sync - it will take hours!!  Can I mark multiple folders and do it all in one go?



  4. Hi - new user of Resilio Pro - just signed up.  It works fine between the two Win 10 PCs I have on my network but no joy at all on my Linux PCs.  Struggling to get things up and running although reasonably competent with Linux. I have:

    1. installed the right version for (K)Ubuntu.

    2. Started Resilio via terminal with sudo service resilio-sync start and checked it is running with KSysGuard 

    3. Opened Firefox and logged in to http://localhost:8888/gui/ - looks OK

    4.  Added a sample folder and given Owner permissions.

    5. I have copied the link and emailed it to myself. (The email option does not work - just tries to open the email address in a browser??)

    6. Clicked on the link in the email

    This is when the problems start.  I get an error message from Firefox saying "The address was not understood: Doesn't know how to open, btsync is not associated with any program etc"....

    I then tried 3-5 above with Google Chrome.  Error message: "Chrome needs to launch an external application to handle btsync:links." I get two options: one to do nothing (if I choose that, this exactly what happens - nothing). The other is"Launch Application". If I choose this, I get the error "Can't find application handle".

    Resilio then adds the folder but shows No Peers and 0 of 0 on-line

    Tried searching here and elsewhere but not much turned up.  Sorry if this is a common problem and i just have't found the right posts. Happy to attach logs etc if someone tells me where to find them