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Everything posted by goTAN

  1. At the moment I have a system of 3 devices where one acts as a "server" Whenever device A adds a photo to its photo library the photo gets synced to the server and then to device B. When device B deletes the photo nothing the photo will not be deleted on the server. I want to extend this system with n devices where whenever a device adds a photo, this photo is synced to the "server" and to all other devices. When this exact photo gets manually deleted on any device (also on the server) this should not have any effect on the other devices.(meaning it gets deleted on other devices). I think this is a pretty good usecase especially when you have multiple devices which can contain photos (phones). You can then make sure that the photos are shared to other people and are also "backuped" on the server. Actually, in a nutshell I only need a "don't sync deleted files" option right? Is something like this possible?
  2. Thanks, I was able (with the help of the support) restore the old database. I am now just trying to figure out how to add more devices where the "server" always contains all photos of all devices. But I guess that will be another thread.
  3. I was using resilio sync now for a while for syncing and backing up photos between 3 devices. One Device was always the one adding new photos which were synced to my NAS. When any other device was deleting photos in their folders, the photo won't be deleted from the server. The third device was always getting photos and deletes them locally (and imports them to other photo libs). This worked actually pretty well. Unfortunately my NAS died (only the OS not the DATA) and I had to set everything up again. The problem ist that the sync folder of the device which adds the photo already contains tons of photos which I don't want to sync again. The folder with all the synced photos on my NAS is still there. So basically I want to setup the same folders but only start syncing when _new_ photos come in. It that possible? And if it is , how?