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Posts posted by PaulJS

  1. Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!

    I just updated from v2.4.4 of Resilio Pro to v2.5.6 of Resilio Home Pro and what an AMAZING IMPROVEMENT!!!

    From the very first install of the paid version of the program on three of my computers back in February, ALL but one of them ground to a halt every time I left Resilio running and syncing in the background. Admittedly I am syncing upwards of 30 top-level folders, with some containing hundreds, if not thousands, of multiple sub-folders and being over 1GB in total size. But like I told tech support at the time, I was doing the same previously with "Cubby" and never had a single problem. So I purchased new and more RAM for each of the three machines, max'ing them out at between 16 and 32 GB each. Didn't help. Even upgraded the CPU on one machine and pushed the overclocking of the CPU even further on another machine. Still no difference. I was relegated to running Resilio and allowing the machines to sync ONLY during the overnight, as each morning when I grabbed my mouse, it was like pushing thru frozen molasses on the screen... not even during the early days of the original 8086 was it this bad. I was forced to reboot the computer and promptly shutdown Resilio; which of course didn't help during the daytime hours when I needed mission critical files to be synced as they were changed and updated.

    Like I said, I was ready to abandon all hope... when, like magic, I updated to v2.5.6 and ALL is finally working like it should! No more resource, CPU or RAM hog! I now leave Resilio running all day and night, 24/7, with never a slowdown in sight! What a pleasure! I'm now firmly on-board with Resilio.

    Thank You developers for LISTENING, finally recognizing, addressing and ultimately fixing this problem! (Resilio could probably now run even on a "Model T" Intel 8086-powered IBM Jr.!) So again, THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU! please don't go messing it up in future updates, And lastly, BTW, to whom can I send my bills for the unnecessary RAM & CPU upgrades? ...ha! ha!



  2. Sorry for the delayed response. Was away on business for a few days.

    So, OK. Did what you said. Took a look at the storage folder and found a total of 94 ".db", ".db-shm" and ".db-wal" files. By far, the largest sized of the files are the ".db" of which there are a total of 32 which range in size from the smallest being 7 KB, to the largest of 1,495,679 KB. In total, all 32 sum to 4,075,371 KB.

    Does this help? Give you any idea what's happening? Do I need to spend an average of $123 on each of the 4 computers I'm syncing to max-out their RAM at between 16 and 24 Gb to fix the problem? And, though a cost I didn't expect to incur, in your opinion, would this actually fix the problem? (Seems that Resilio Sync slows my one computer with 12 Gb RAM "the least", as compared w/ the other computers of between 2 and 6 Gb RAM. But, by "least" I mean that this one computer, with the most RAM, remains just usable, but very frustratingly slow, when the RAM is 94% full, as compared with the other computers that just grind to a halt.) So, not sure if adding more RAM is actually going to fix the problem. (FYI: No CPU issues on any of the computers. At idle w/ Resilio Sync running, CPU usage never goes higher than 10% on ANY of the synced computers.)

    Finally, one last observation. I installed Resilio Sync in the regular way, NOT as a Windows service. However at times, when any one of the computers slows, I've noticed, from taking a look at the Performance Monitor, that in addition to Resilio Sync.exe using up lots of memory, Services.exe may also be using well over 1,000,000 KB. Then things really grind to a halt with 100% of the RAM in use! I NEVER observed this before installing Resilio Sync, and have made no other changes to my computer and/or installed any other programs. Any ideas?

  3. Love Sync Pro! First-time user x2 months. Migrated over from "LogMeIn's" Cubby. Never used their cloud-based storage. That's why I love Sync Pro. Does just what I need. BUT... VERY, VERY disappointed with performance! Program is a MEMORY HOG! Under Windows 7 x64 "Resource Monitor - Memory" typically using 2-3 million+ "Commit (KB) (i.e. 2,367,742 - 3,002,324 KB Commit)!!! Yes, I'm syncing LOTS of files within 30+ main folders across 5 different computers (all Win7 x64, but with differing amounts of memory) and ALL but 2 of the computers, the 2 with over 12GB memory, become absolutely unusable within 1-2 hours because they have to go to virtual memory in the pagefile.sys on the hard drive, and they simply grind to a halt. Only solution is to either shut down Sync Pro or restart the computer.


    Never had this problem with Cubby! (Syncing same huge # Folders and Files) I used their "DirectSync" component ONLY, never their cloud storage, for over 3 years and NEVER had this problem. (Had to change, because like Microsoft Live 4 years earlier, they're no longer offering this service).

    My suggestion... decompile the Cubby engine, see how they did it successfully w/o being a memory hog, and "FIX" Sync Pro ASAP or I will be forced to ask for a refund and seek a solution for my sync needs elsewhere. Simply cannot go on like this at present. I just simply have to sync this amount of data on-the-fly.

    Thank you.

    (PS - can upload log files if you like, but don't see how it will help. Others here in the forum have had similar problems with Sync Pro hogging memory and resources and have uploaded their logs with no help or solution being offered. Need to look to Cubby for answer and re-write the Sync Pro engine).