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  1. hi, so i did more tests over the weekend (took pics a different times and hoped they would be transferred to comp when i got back) and the issue is still there. ie transfers only happen when i open the android app . i do have the autosleep checked but set to 5min checks for any changes. i assume if it notices a change ..a new pic in folder it would then transfer automatically. thats what it used to do. i never had to open the android app before . again i appreciate the help.
  2. hi, again thanks for the quick reply. so updated the latest android update . it worked yesterday as it should. took a pic and when i got back to my comp it had transferred . i will be doing tests over the weekend to make sure it keeps doing as it should. not sure why its working now, maybe something in update?? desktop 2.5(952), android latest version as for your questions... files are pics sd card its supposed to run auotmatically (have it set to 5Min) i believe sync ran and was not killed by system just did not transfer the files. not connected to other peers. thanks again
  3. thanks for the reply, i changed the sleep to check every 5 min( it was 30) and checked goto sleep if no activity, but alas it still is not syncing every 5 min. i still have to do it manually infront of my comp and having the resillio app on in my phone. this never used to happen before. something changed when ap went resillio, fyi i have kit kat android
  4. hi, i have recently found that i can only sync files from android to comp when the android app is open , basically it has become a manual situation. i want it to be automatic. what settings do i need to make sure that happens . it used to do this but something has changed. i have desktop 2.5 sync pro and android 2.5.1 . thanks