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Posts posted by WolfyPDX

  1. I've been using Sync for many years, going back to the BT Sync days, and I've been very happy with it. However, I just noticed tonight that Sync is not synchronizing my file permissions: the read/write/execute permissions for user/group/others. It looks to me like every file created on the destination system is getting created as 0755 or 0644 depending on whether the execute bit is set on the original file. It doesn't matter if the original file is 0666 or 0600 or 0644, it still ends up being 0644 on the destination. A similar situation happens with directories - everything is 0755 regardless of the mode on the original directory. Chmodding the permissions on the originating system has no effect on the destination.

    I'm pretty sure this used to work, but I had to reinstall Sync recently, and may have lost a setting. Any ideas? Thanks in advance...

    I'm on a Macbook Pro and and iMac, both running macOS Sierra 10.12.6 with Resilio Sync 2.5.9