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Posts posted by jamesl-rs

  1. I've just experimented with this a bit more, and it seems Helen is right.

    If you right-click a folder, and select 'Sync to this device', its contents will automatically sync from then on (new files will appear, not placeholders). And I can't see any way of changing this back, so once it is set, you are stuck that way.

    So it looks like Resilio does remember, on a per-subfolder basis, whether it should sync the files, or sync the placeholders. It just doesn't let you see this setting or change it easily. So I guess what I'd like to see is something in the right-click menu that tells you what the setting is, and lets you choose.

    Also, I think you should add a confirmation dialog to the 'Remove from all devices' and 'Remove from this device' context menu items. It is very easy to hit the wrong one when using a tablet, and not notice until the archive has emptied itself.


    • I use Resilio to sync a music library across multiple devices, some of which have limited space
    • On devices with limited space, I'd like to exclude some folders, using the selective sync feature
    • But, when I add new music to the library, I want it to sync across all devices automatically
    • Just syncing the placeholders is partially helpful, as it lets me import the music on the selective sync clients using the file browser
    • But placeholders aren't going to show up in my music player, so if the new files don't sync automatically, I have to go to a lot of manual effort

    Right now, when you add a new file, a placeholder will appear in all selective sync clients. I'd like to be able to configure the default behavior (sync the placeholder, or sync the entire file) on a per-share basis, when selective sync is enabled. I'd like to be able to do this by checking a checkbox in the 'Preferences' window of the share.