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Posts posted by bb101

  1. Thank you Kos.

    Having installed the RC, I can see the icon issue is fixed which is great.

    I know a small development team must prioritise their pipeline, and that the enterprise side of Resilio is exciting and means more money, however please don't let Resilio Sync Home become abandonware as the same people that use it at home (i.e. us) are the ones that will recommend the Business or Enterprise versions (or warn against them) once they are at their workplace.

  2. So here we are 7 months later.

    A spectacular display by Resilio of being unable to fix and release such a trivial issue in an acceptable timeframe, I am beginning to worry about Resilio's capability to handle non-trivial issues.

    Not to mention the Java client still holding top ranking on my Mac's "Using significant energy" programs list.

    Is the company in financial trouble? I hope not, as I love the program -- however it would be nice to see regular updates and a less resource-intensive client implementation.