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Posts posted by s-kaczmarek

  1. Thanks for answer. My browser (firefox), says nothing about certificate, that's why I thought, there is no certificate at all. It only says "connection not encrypted" and "This website does not supply ownership information.". I doesn't say anywhere, that there is a certificate issued by Resilio Sync as per example in help center. Are you sure, that there is no risk of password being compromised?

    How can I verify, that this certificate exists?

  2. Hi,

    I'm trying to set up my sync node in cloud. These are the steps I've done:

    I created resilio instance as a docker container with docker-compose:

    version: "2.1"
        image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/resilio-sync
        container_name: resilio-sync
          - PUID=1000
          - PGID=1000
          - TZ=Europe/Warsaw
          - UMASK_SET=022 #optional
          - /home/user/sync_config:/config
          - /mnt/volume_sgp1_01/containers_data/sync_downloads:/downloads
          - /mnt/volume_sgp1_01/sync:/sync
          - 443:8888
          - 55555:55555
        restart: unless-stopped

    Once I accessed web ui, browser complained about lack of ssl certificate, so I tried to generate one with command:

    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain.key-x509 -days 36500 -out sync.crt

    I've adjusted resilio settings to use that certificate:

        "webui" :
    	"listen" : "",
    	"allow_empty_password" : false,
            "dir_whitelist" : [ "/sync", "/sync/folders", "/sync/mounted_folders" ],
            "ssl_certificate" : "/config/sync.crt"

    After restarting of container, it started without issues, but when I'm trying to access web ui once again, my browser gives me error: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG

    What have I done wrong?

  3. Hello,

    I'm working on my backup system based on Resilio Sync and I want to make sure, that my scenario will work in case of disaster. Let's imagine certain scenario:

    * I have machine "A" with Resilio Sync installed as docker container with /sync /config /download mapped to the host's filesystem

    * I have machine "B" with only encrypted keys exchanged as a safe off site backup.

    * I have machine "Z" that stores bakup of /sync and /config folders from Resilio Instance on machine "A"

    Now, let's imagine, that disaster came and machine "A" is dead. I cannot retrieve data, because machine "B" only holds encrypted keys. Is it possible to restore /sync and /config data from "Z" machine on new computer, rerun container, download and decrypt data from "B" machine? Is there a chance that id of peer from machine "A" will be not valid anymore? 

    I hope, that you understand what I mean, because it seems like encrypted node doesn't make much sense once other nodes with read and write permissions are dead.