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Posts posted by flphotog

  1. On 11/18/2014 at 4:54 PM, foo said:

    Your whole response can be summarized as "trust us," which I don't.  My private data is too important to be left to closed source.  Moved on to syncthing a while back, and I encourage others to do likewise.

    I tried syncthing before I moved to Resilio and it was a royal pain in the butt. Resilio works much better and more consistently then syncthing and is much much easier to set up and requires much less maintenance, IMHO

  2. I'm syncing between Linux and Android. Sometimes it takes quite awhile for the sync to start after the peers recognize each other.

    Is there some way to force the sync to start?

    i've tried to do a rescan on both Linux and Android but it seems to have no effect.