No connected devices

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Hi Everyone,

Just trying out BitTorrent Sync and i can't seem to get it to work, I have installed the latest version (1.1.42) on both of my PC's and shared a couple of folders, but nothing is syncing and under the devices tab it just says "No connected devices"

They are both currently on the same network (one desktop and a laptop) and i have tried disabling windows firewall.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



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Can you be more specific, they are both connected to the same hub, what is required?

It's difficult to be more specific as every make/model of router is different (I'm assuming it is indeed a router, rather than just a switch when you say "hub"?), but basically most routers have security settings built that can either either block certain traffic/ports, or prevent other devices on the same network seeing/communicating with each other.

You may need to refer to your router's own documentation for details of the specific security features/settings on your router, but you should be able to disable them/add exceptions, etc

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