Android to PC sync


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I would like to setup Bitsync the same way I have Dropbox, only to sync pictures/files to PC and if/when I delete file/picture on my Android phone it does not influence the PC. I got it working other way around but not the way I need !

Thanks for the help and sorry if it has already been answered but I didn't find it on forum.

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Guest idef1x

@GreatMarko: He most likely means that he wants to sync the pictures on his Android to the PC and once synced not to be deleted on the PC when deleting on the Android. So read only on PC would mean also no syncing pics to PC anymore ;)

@nikonja: As far as I know now how btsync works, this wouldn't be possible I am afraid. You want to write from your android to pc, but after syncing to change it to read-only for the pics that are synced right? The only work around I see so far is to copy all the pics (automaticaly) from your sync folder to another and maybe use that as a sync folder with read-only back to your android. Not so nice indeed, but it's something ;)

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@GreatMarko: He most likely means that he wants to sync the pictures on his Android to the PC and once synced not to be deleted on the PC when deleting on the Android. So read only on PC would mean also no syncing pics to PC anymore ;)

Please read my reply carefully - I never said a Read Only Secret should be used on the PC end - I said a read only secret should be used when "connecting your mobile" :P

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