BitTorrent Sync keeps syncing the same 2 files


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I have setup bt sync on 3 computers, my home computer, my laptop and my work computer. All 3 are setup ton sync my pictures folder from my home pc. I had some 35 gigs for about 18000 files. It work well until I added a bunch of photos from our recent vacations. Since then, all 2 "remote" pcs keeps syncing the same 2 files over and over again (i.e. I see them popup and go away in the transfers tab). All PC runs win7 64 bits, latest version.

How can I diagnose and solve this problem ?

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1) Stop BitTorrent Sync on all your devices

2) Remove any .!Sync, .SyncPart, or .SyncTemp files from the folder you're syncing - do this on all devices

3) Restart Sync on all your devices

....this should solve the problem!

It appears not... After I stoped it on all pc, I found 2 files, IMG_1180.JPG.!sync and IMG_1182.JPG.!sync, wich are the 2 problematic files, and there were no corresponding .jpg file. I deleted these 2 files, restarted sync on all pc, and those files re-appeared. So, I stopped all again, removed again the files, copied manually the originals, and restarted sync. Then a IMG_1182.JPG.SyncPart appeared, and files still transfer over and over again.

What remains ? Removing completly thos 2 files from my synced directory and re-add them ?

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