Two PCs, two directories with different PATHs


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Desktop has a directory: /lacie/PP with 88G files

Laptop doesn't have enough space on the root disk, but has a mounted external USB3 disk with 500G free (/Verbatim).


How can I synchronize /lacie/PP --> /Verbatim/PP  ?


Symbolic links don't work.



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thank you for your response.


I completely forgot to mention above that I am using Linux (Archlinux).


What do you mean by adding /lacie/PP as a shared folder ? Is it a Windows thing ?


I tried adding /Verbatim/P2P on my laptop, hoping that somehow through the Secret it would figure out how to connect both, probably stupid of me.


Curiously it started copying two directories to the laptop, reverting to the phrase

Bittorrent Sync cannot identify the destination folder

on the "Size" column.


Thanks again,



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