Speed Issue


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I'm acquainting myself with bittorrent sync, but I think I've done my due diligence. Problem is BTSync is incredibly slow over the locally. On the gigabit LAN I'm getting a bursty 100k/s average. Is this an artifact of the BT protocol or is it a settings issue? I can transfer over the network otherwise at 8MB/s continuous. Also, I do have lan_encrypt_data off and lan_use_tcp on on both computers (a Macbook Pro and a PC).


Any hints as to why this might be, or is BTSync limited by the protocol? Thanks!

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Firstly, check the icons in the devices tab - are they arrows or clouds? If they're clouds you're not connecting directly to these devices, and that'll be why your speed is lower.


If they are arrows, check that "rate_limit_local_peers" is set to "false", and check that you've not limited the upload/download rates of Sync.


In addition, if your devices have fixed IP addresses, you could disable the tracker, relay, Search LAN, and DHT options, and use the pre-defined hosts settings instead - this should give you a speed boost!


If none of that works, check your router settings - some routers for example give higher priority to streaming media traffic, rather than generic traffic, etc meaning that Sync may not be able to use the full connection speed.

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So the connection icon are arrows when they are there (occasionally there are neither).


Also, although one computer has a fixed IP, the other will be a laptop, so a constantly changing IP.


The only thing that might make sense is the router issue, although I have a gigabit switch downstream of the cable modem, I'll investigate that issue.


Also, the PC is slow, so I'm thinking that might be an issue if BT takes a bit of overhead above FTP.

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Yeah, I checked my cable modem (turned it off and connected the two computers directly) no dice, same speed. Gigabit speeds via FTP, SMB, etc. The only thing I can think of is protocol overhead or BTSync software issues. Even AeroFS runs at gigabit speeds. No idea what else to check.

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