Read-only share won't sync


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I have two computers syncing as read-write, and a 3rd computer syncing the same share but as read-only. For some reason, the read-only computer stopped syncing changes. For a few days now the other two computers look like the picture below.



And all the while, it does not sync and does not even say any files are syncing. The read-only computer is online and says all synced, but the share is smaller by about 600MB. I've tried syncing from LAN and over the internet from a remote location, but neither seems to make a difference. Any ideas why?

I'm wondering if the files were edited on the read-only PC. What is the protocol in that case? Does BTSync not overwrite changes made to a read-only share? Does this problem indicate a conflict between the revisions to files on the different PCs? Or what might cause this?



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