Best initial setup for remote backup?


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I want to sync an external hard drive connected to my router in my house with a remote  mybook live NAS in my mom's house.


I believe I can't install bittorrent sync directly on an external network corrected hard drive.  But I can select the external hard drive like a regular folder on my win 8 laptop (so essentially do the bittorrent sync backup automatically to hard drive through my laptop).


Is that correct?


Also, I've got about 150 GB of data on my mybooklive NAS in my mom's house.  These files are located in maybe over 50 separate folders.  I'm afraid the initial remote  sync transfer will take forever. 


How can I expedite the process and not risk a lot of crashes during the initial sync?  I'm willing back everything up locally between the two drives first if it helps.


Also, are my NAS and hard drives always going to be working even after the initial sync because of how many files I have?  I assume not cause I think the copying is incremental correct?  I don't want drive/NAS to have to be constantly thinking and burn itself out cause of bittorrent sync.  Since I'm running bittorrent sync through my laptop to copy to my external hard drive, I don't want bittorrent sync slowing down my laptop performance too badly either.



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