CPU Usage, limiting update frequency


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I've got a couple of small NAS boxes running btsync betwee them. They're both Debian 7; one is i386, the other x64.


The i386 box has a dual-core Intel Atom in it, the other a dual core Pentium (I forget the model, but it's reasonably recent).


I've noticed that on the Atom, btsync is spiking the CPU regularly. I'm guessing this is because it's scanning the files and seeing if there's anything to sync. The Pentium box is also doing a similar thing, so I'm guessing this is correct behaviour?


However, the Atom is a little challenged in the performance stakes, so I'd like to limit how often btsync is doing this. Is there a way to change how often btsync checks its files, to stop it hammering the CPU so much? The files on the NAS don't change all that often, owing to the fact it holds backup data anyway so it only sees changes when a backup runs. 

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Is there a way to change how often btsync checks its files, to stop it hammering the CPU so much?

Sync attempts to scan for changes to files in realtime. In addition, however, it also performs a routine scan (default - every 10 minutes) of each folder its monitoring. This scan interval is configurable via the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting.

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