Deleted files using USB drives


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Myself and three others are using BTSync to collaborate whilst working on a very large set of files (60Gb+ each in more than 5+ shares).  Our setup is external USB drives connected to laptops with folders which are being synced with BTSync.


Our problem is that periodically one of the machines (not always the same one) seems to detect that all the files have been deleted (when they have not intentionally been deleted).  They then get synced into the .SyncArchive of the other machines.  A very short space of time later the deleting machine realises that the files are still there (or they have come back) and starts syncing them out to all the other machines.  We can tell which machine did this because it doesn't have the files in its .SyncArchive - sometimes we can see in the history too.


Is this a known issue, or is there anything we should be doing to avoid this behaviour.


Our practice when moving our machines is to hibernate the machine with BTSync still running and the drive attached.  Then unhibernate usually without the drive attached and re-attach the drive.  Usually this seems fine.  We are not sure that moving the machines is what is cuasing the issue yet.


We have started to try to shut down BTSync before we hibernate, but this is sometimes hard to remember to do.


All the laptops are windows 7 x64 with an always on windows server 2003 also syncing the same folders.


Any ideas?


Let me know if I can provide any information that would help figure this out.





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