Shows "synced" after only syncing subfolder

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First of all, thanks for this amazing tool, I have been looking for this for years.


I am syncing my truecrypt volue from a windows laptop to a truecrypt volume onto a linux desktop.


After fully syncing one subfolder (E:Videos), the web interface and the windows client are now showing "Synced" for their corresponding folders.


I chose the default options on both machines, they are in the same local network. Maybe that's the root of the problem.


Any ideas?

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I have exactly the same problem. I'm syncing a TrueCrypt volume from one machine to a TrueCrypt volume on another machine in the same LAN. Even if there are nearly 300GB of data on the volume it's syncing the first folder with some MB's and then shows "completly synched". I've tested also to modify data on the volume but bittorent sync doesn't nothing....


For me it seems to be a problem on truecrypt volumes at all...

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I can confirm the problem with 1.1.82 on Windows 8.1. Both Linux systems do not have problems syncing, but the windows-client with the Truecrypt-Partition is stuck at approximately half the data. The complete data is approximately 80gb across 135.000 files.


Please note, that Truecrypt is encrypting a complete partition and not a container, so there should not be a problem with a read-lock.


My train of thoughs and checks so far:

  • All three clients can see each other (according to the "devices"-menu on all clients)
  • the linux-clients do want to upload data to the windows-box - however, nothing is down- or uploaded according to the "transfers"-menu
  • The windows-client wants to upload a different amount of data to both clients - again, no transfers are happening
  • behavior is reproducable via the internet as well as on the local network
  • Network connection on the LAN is given
  • The windows client has exceptions in the firewall for TCP and UDP - there's no secondary firewall present
  • the debug logfile shows no warning except of not being able to open a NAT-PNP-Port
  • All clients have local LAN discovery, Relay server and tracking server enabled

I would like to upload the debug log for logging purposes, but since that would expose all of my files, I will not do that - perhaps an option to send in an anomyized log stripped of personal information like IPs and filenames would be helpful.


Anything more I could check on why it isn't working?

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Today i installed bt-sync on a thrid Win7 machine and made there a sync of a NORMAL, not encryptet partition with another NORMAL folder on a second computer. SAME PROBLEM! After some MB's BT-sync stopps indexing and recognized the whole folder as synched! This is really a problem! For me it seems that the prgramm as a problem with a certain folder depht...

Sorry, but now i'm disinstalling that tool and waiting for a stabler release...


By the way: thank you guys for that nice tool. I know you do it all for free and it's not that easy at all. But at the moment it's a nice Beta release for testing, but not for normal use....

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[...] After some MB's BT-sync stopps indexing and recognized the whole folder as synched! This is really a problem! For me it seems that the prgramm as a problem with a certain folder depht... [...]


That's a different problem than mine. My btsync client does recognize, that it is not in sync and would like to upload stuff, but it doesn't.

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