Bittorrent Sync Help


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ok I've been using bittorrent sync for about a month now.... I really like it, it does what I need it to do but.... there is one issue.  Its not fast enough my download is stuck at 50 k/Bs and I really really want it to go faster.  My upload goes fast but not my download?  Any help would be awesome thanks!

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Are your devices connected "Directly" in Sync, or "Indirectly"? (See "What do the device icons mean" in the Unofficial FAQ for how to determine this)


If they are connected "Indirectly" your transfer speed won't be anywhere near fast as "Direct" connections - so that would be the first thing to check!


Also, I assume you're not limiting the upload/download rate settings in Sync?


Finally, I assume your ISP doesn't enforce any form of "Traffic Management" that may be slowing down your download rates?

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