Missing/lost File While Using Bittorrent


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Over a 3 day period I was working on a Microsoft Word file named "Cordes.doc."  On  the 4th day when I went to work on the file it was no longer in the usual directory on either the main PC or the Backup PC.  Numerous associated !SYNC file exist on both PCs, but the source file is missing. On the Backup PC I found an earlier version of the file; Cordes.doc 11/23/2013 3:36PM MS Word Doc  21,741 KB in .SynchArchive.


How did this file get deleted on both PCs? How can I recover this file?


BitTorrent Synch 1.1.82

Configuration: 2 PCs on a Private Home Network

Main PC: Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2

Backup PC:  Windows 8



Main PC:

file Cordes.doc would usually be here, but it is gone

~WRL1426.tmp.lsync     11/24/2013 5:34PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc  21,818 KB

~WRL0613.tmp.lsync     11/24/2013 5:22PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,899 KB

~WRL3981.tmp.lsync     11/24/2013 4.09PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,871 KB

Cordes.doc.lsync             11/24/2013 3.43PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,865 KB

~WRL1566.tmp.lsync     11/24/2013 2:08PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,854 KB

~WRL0003.tmp.lsync     11/24/2013 10:55AM         !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,774 KB

~WRL1118.tmp.lsync     11/23/2013 3:56PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,741 KB

~WRL0598.tmp.lsync     11/23/2013 3:36PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,817 KB

~WRL1296.tmp.lsync     11/22/2013 2:17PM            !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,726 KB


Backup PC:

file Cordes.doc would usually be here, but it is gone

-$Cordes.doc              8/30/2013 8:12AM     MS Word...     1KB

~WRL0613.tmp           11/24/2013 5:32PM    TMP File         21,908 KB

~WRL2301.tmp           7/17/2013 7:51PM      TMP File         19,797 KB

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I have a 1-way synch. Directories BTsync & the corresponding .SyncArchive are only on the Backup PC.   The only BitTorrent directory on the Main PC is Sync & it only contains the file meta.data. Can I recover the Cordes.doc file using the following files on the main PC


~WRL1426.tmp.lsync    11/24/2013 5:34PM !SYNC File MS Word Doc  21,818 KB

Cordes.doc.lsync    11/24/2013 3.43PM !SYNC File MS Word Doc 21,865 KB


or the following file on the Backup PC

~WRL0613.tmp    11/24/2013 5:32PM TMP File   21,908 KB


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