Bit Torrent Sync As Remote Volume?


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I was thinking it would be cool to set up bit torrent sync on a nas, however I can't fit as much storage on my local computer as I could on a nas.


What I would really like to be able to do, is remote mount my nas via bit torrent. Does anyone know of a way I might be able to achieve this? The goal here would be the capability to remote mount a nas wherever I'm at without having to worry about what my home ISP ip is...etc. It just seems like it would be useful to be able to use bit torrent sync without having to have all the files downloaded on every computer.

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Hey there.


What you expect isn't possible with btsync, and I don't know if it ever will be. It's simply not the target of btsync.

Btsync synchronizes folders. That's it.


If you want to access your NAS storage remotely without the need of downloading it, that's really tricky to have it transparently available. Think about your 250GB music library on your NAS, to be played in iTunes or WinAMP (RIP, :() or whatever music player you like. You would need to create kind of a virtual file system access mechanism to btsync. There is something called the "UNC path", which is designed to address remote resources. You have to somehow hook in to that. Or really create a file system driver that is able to "mount" the btsync store into a given directory.


It's not that it is not possible. It definitively is. But it's really not what btsync wants to do.


If you simply want a "skip auto-sync, sync-on-click" mechansim like currently available for mobile platforms, then you should go to the wishlist thread and add it there. It's already on the againda I think, but adding it once again will push this feature request. But that definitively does not give you the experience of "seamlessly work with the NAS like it is direclty connected".


The current way to go is: Get yourself a DynDNS name, set up a VPN server and connect to your NAS via SMB or NFS.




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