Some Questions Regarding Bittorrent Sync


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I have a home server running Ubuntu 12.04. I have installed the latest BTsync by doing the following:

  • Downloaded the i386 version
  • Extracted it and placed the executable into my /usr/bin directory
  • Created a dump by using the --dump-sample-config parameter
  • My sync.config file can be found below
Then I started btsync with the following command: ./btsync --config ./sync.conf --nodaemon

It's working fine, the GUI can be reached on port 8888 and I'm able to create some shared folders. So far so good :) Now my two questions are:

  • How can I make sure the btsync app is running as a service under my own user? As said before, I'm running Ubuntu server. I don't want to run the btsync daemon under root, as I want all the files to be created under my own user.
  • Where does btsync deamon stores it's shared-folder settings?
My config file

  "device_name": "Server",

  "listening_port" : 0,

  "storage_path" : "/smb/btsync/.sync",

  "pid_file" : "/smb/btsync/",

  "check_for_updates" : true,

  "use_upnp" : false,

  "download_limit" : 0,

  "upload_limit" : 0, 

  "webui" :


    "listen" : "",

    "login" : "xxxxxxxx",

    "password" : "xxxxxxxx"


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How can I make sure the btsync app is running as a service under my own user? As said before, I'm running Ubuntu server. I don't want to run the btsync daemon under root, as I want all the files to be created under my own user.

Use the ubuntu/debian packages, which come with init scripts and options on which user is running the btsync service.



Where does btsync deamon stores it's shared-folder settings?

in your config:



"storage_path" : "/smb/btsync/.sync",
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