Questions About How This Works


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I am considering to start using Sync in SOHO/SMB office - several laptops, PCs and one file server (CentOS 6 behind ADSL NAT). I have couple of questions:


A) From what I understand, I should be able to setup "master" folder with tracker/relay server on the file server. Sync should "automatically" work behind NAT, or I will be able to forward some ports there. This server is available from internal network and from the internet under one hostname, so I will setup all clients to "use predefined host" with that hostname and that should work fine for me, right? Any other recommendation for my setup here? Recommended extra options?


B) I understand everything should be encrypted, but in the above setup - will my data flow through any computers from the internet that are not under my control (not from our office)? I mean, does Sync work like Skype - reusing other's computers to do the transfer? I'd rather stay only on my infrastructure. From what I've learned here, if I will keep DHT setting disabled, other computer than my file-server tracker and other clients from my office should not be connected, am I right?


C) How does it work when two users edit one file simultaneously? Is there any GUI for conflict resolution, or does it have locking mechanism?


D) I need to limit users speeds because file server is connected using ADSL, but is there some flag that disables speed limit when user is connected in the LAN? I'd like to sync them full speed on LAN.


E) I have an OpenVPN setup for this network (standard OpenVPN UDP setting). Does it make sense to run Sync via VPN only? Will that technically work?



Edited by lzap
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a) yes.

B) yes. disable DHT, relay, and tracker and any data sent will only go through your nodes.

c) BTsync does not synchronise files that are locked by any other process. In some cases this might happen, as soon as you open a Document, or just when it saves a document, but it depends on the editor of your choice. No GUI to resolve conflicts is available at the moment.

d) no option available that would separate LAN from WAN speed limits

e) if you are overly protective of your data, using VPN increases the difficulty for any attacker to access it. BTsync does not bind to any specific adapter currently, therefore you would need to address this issue e.g. with a full tunnel.

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