Sync Not Complete


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I sync with other devices, some of the devices are not current with the sync.  They are not up to date when we add files.  On the other hand, other devices are up to sync.


When I open BTSync and see the devices, most of them aren't sync.  I think somewhere in the file structure, they are stuck because the memory is all different. 


For example:


Device A is stuck at 26.7mb

Device B is stuck at 8.2mb.

Device C is is syncd.

Device D is stuck at 600k.

Device E is synced.


And so on and so on.


When we add new files in the folder, they all get the files, but they are stuck at being up to date with the sync.


Any ideas?

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All of the devices are remote.  I am assuming they are all running the latest build.  I am running 1.1.82 on Win 7, most of the other devices are Macs.  None of the files are being use with programs.  We never had this problem before until now.

Edited by toobs
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For Macs and PCs?

It's weird. I just updated to 1.2.82 and Device C and E are still running 1.1.82 and those devices are always up to sync, but not A B and D.  Could they be running even older build?  D reinstalled BTSnyc just a week ago and when we shared a different folder with a different secret key, they were able to sync without any problem, but D is 600k back with the group folder that is shared with other devices.

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