Already (Almost) Synced Folders


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My use case is this: I have about 3TB of data that I need backed up. At the moment I'm using manual/semi-manual means to sync three separate hard-drives on my Mac. But:

1. This is annoying 

2. This means that most of the time all my data is in a single physical location, which is pretty terrifying because of fire risk etc.


I want to set up Bittorrent Sync on a Raspberry Pi at home, so small changes to my files at work will quietly sync to the hard drive at home. So far I've played around with Sync only for comparatively small folders, and I've noticed that it maxes out at about 1MB/s syncing with my Raspberry Pi. At that rate it would take me 35 days to do a sync from scratch of 3TB of data, which isn't really good enough.


So my question is, can I use some other, faster syncing method to do the initial sync, and then rely on BTsync to do incremental changes (which should be fine). Or is there anything I can do significantly improve on 1MB/s?


Also, if I'm syncing such a large amount of data, am I going to hit memory limits on the Raspberry Pi?


Thanks for any help!

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