Whs2011 And Btsync


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Hello, and thanks for this great application.


I am curious if BTsync supports WHS2011. The reason I ask is that on my server I am noticing that BTSync does not remove folders when I delete them on my Android Tablet, but it writes them just fine when I create them on the Tablet. Since I created my Sync folder on the Server using the Windows Home Server Dashboard, and deleted the folder from the Nexus 7 android tablet, I am wondering if BTSync does not have permission to delete folders? I also noticed everything inside the folder was deleted.


Since my Server is not aware of the Android tablet, I have a feeling this is simply a permissions issue. If I want to delete a folder off my Android Tablet, should I just do so from my Windows 8.1 machine instead since it has read/write permissions on the server?


I assume BTSync gives proper permissions once a folder is set for Syncing. No? Curious how this works...

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Did you try it inside or outside of the serverfolders?  I created a sync folder using the dashboard inside the serverfolder (before installing btsync) as usual so I could get normal access from my PC. However my computer is the only device that has permission (according to the dashboard) to access that folder so I am curious how btsync circumvents that. Or does btsync set the proper permissions once you assign a sync folder? I don't know why I am asking that question because it is obvious to me that it does, just bare with me please. Lol

One other question, can it take some time before all files and folders are synced? Everything inside my test folder disappeared within seconds when I deleted that folder from my Android device but the actual folder remained. I only waited maybe one minute before I deleted the folder myself.

Just making sure I have it setup correctly. I love this thing and wish I had discovered it sooner.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

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To be fair, I've not used Sync with any "serverfolders" on either WHS v1 or 2011, just regular folders that I've created myself outside of the Home Server Console, so yeah, that might be your issue!


It would almost be like having Sync and say SkyDrive/DropBox monitoring the same folder at the same time - it's more than likely gonna cause issues!


Have you tried manually creating a Sync folder outside of the Home Server Console? - does that resolve your issue?

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To be fair, I've not used Sync with any "serverfolders" on either WHS v1 or 2011, just regular folders that I've created myself outside of the Home Server Console, so yeah, that might be your issue!


It would almost be like having Sync and say SkyDrive/DropBox monitoring the same folder at the same time - it's more than likely gonna cause issues!


Have you tried manually creating a Sync folder outside of the Home Server Console? - does that resolve your issue?


When I first created the Sync folder I created it in the Admins user folder on C: drive (default location), then I immediately realized my main OS drive is a small 60gb SSD and I decided that I wanted it on the large Server drives so that when I am managing folders/files on the Server I would also have access to the BTSync folder as well, instead of being forced to use Remote Desktop to say transfer files to/from Server folders and the BTSync folder. This just makes sense to me. Anyway, I never did try actually Syncing the folder before moving it, but that would be a great test to see if things change. What I will do is create another Sync folder where it originally wanted to put it and do some tests. Its the only way to know for sure ;)


Thanks for replying bud, I will give that a try and post back my findings  :)

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