Bittorrent Sync Without Any External Servers


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I read the FAQs and blog infos about bittorrent sync but I'm not sure if what I want is achievable.


I want to sync one or 2 folders between my phone (android) and my home server (any OS that would meet my requirements).


I don't need cryptography storage, but need encrypted data transferts of course.


I don't want the bittorrent sync client (neither on my phone or server) to reach anything else than my server (which has static IP). That means no contact with bittorrent sync servers.


All syncs should be initiated by the phone to my static IP server.



Is this 100% possible with bittorrent sync ?


Thanks for hints.

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Not yet, because the mobile clients do not have user preferences regarding tracker, relay and predefined hosts, to name the few that would be necessary to be independent of any Bittorrent infrastructure. If you would use desktop and server versions only, you can change the necessary settings.

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Thanks for the infos.


A little trick by changing static dns entries Inside my android would make the mobile client go to my server directly ?


Like add a static host -> (my server's IP)


Not sure if I'm clear :)


BTW : bittorrent sync will not act as a "peer" for other bittorrent sync users ? You know, like TOR, ...



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