Sync Mobile Backup To Linux Via Webgui


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Hey there.


What about the "add folder" button?


As far as I know, mobile devices cannot "initialize" shares but only participate. So you need to create the folder on your non-mobile node (using the "add folder" button in the Web GUI) and connect this share to the mobile node afterwards.


That obviously doesn't give you a full backup of you rmobile device unless you use the root folder on your mobile. But that's not a good idea, because btsync could try synchronizing e.g. "/dev", which isn't a really good idea. So I would suggest to only add a data folder, and use different shares if you want to synchronize different data folders from your mobil.


If you want to really have a full backup tool: Use something that does that on your mobile device (e.g. "nandroid" for android things) and add the nandroid target folder to btsync. Then every time you do a nandroid backup, the backup files are synchronized.




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