Why Does 'backup' Protocol Delete Photos From Sync Folder (Android)?


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I'm unclear what the difference is between 'sync' and 'backup' in this case.


Deleting photos from the desktop sync folder doesn't affect Android sync folder, but clearing the photos from my camera does remove them from the desktop.


I see another post from someone about the iOS photo backup asking why their photos are are not deleted when they clear their camera roll, so it seems to be working as expected for that platform.


Do I need to change some setting to make the photos persistent on the desktop?   I see reference to a .SyncArchive but I had assumed there would be some way to maintain photos in the sync directory I've selected rather than looking elsewhere for them.



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Hi joelshannon,


Indeed, currently behaviour on iOS and Android devices towards photo backup is different. We are going to fix it soon. For now I can advise you to set "sync_trash_ttl" advanced setting to "0", so all photos you delete on Android device will be moved to .SyncArchive but will never be deleted from there.


Currently Android Photo backup is technically a read-only sync folder.

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