Multiple Sharing Level With One Api Key


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Currently, I have one main folder that I am sharing/syncing files/folders with a few other teammates
I noticed regularly that some people are displacing and deleting important files (unintended)

the current shared API secret Key is "Full access" and I cannot change the sharing method to "Read only" as this would remove the flexibility for collaborating and sharing files with my teammates

I would like to implement a sharing structure as follows
MainFolder (Full access)
 SubFolder1 (Read)
    Sub-SubFolder1 (Write)
 SubFolder2 (Write)
     Sub-SubFolder3 (Read)
     Sub-SubFolder4 (Write)

The only way I have at the moment is to provide one key per folder.
I believe that Novell netware... (back in the days) has such sharing feature
What would you suggest to achieve that sharing structure?

Please advise.
Thank you

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Current BTSync architecture does not allow such granularity of access permissions. As you correctly suggested, to achieve that - you need to set a one secret per folder and share all of them to your collaborators.


If you want to automate the process in some way - you may use API which grants a lot of flexibility so you might script / code the behavior you need.

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Thanks for this interesting feedback.

Would that mean that we need to have one file server repository (to control the file/directory access); then setup one config per user connecting to the server ?

This is getting very exicting.

Look forward you feedback.




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I don't think it is possible to limit access per-user: even API has the folder as the tiniest bit of granularity which can configure the access level. And BTSync won't let you add the same folder with the different secret twice. So you can implement a per-folder access level distribution.

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