Sync Folder On Macbook Air With Imac

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OK, so I've worked out how to sync folders between my iMac and my iPad but I can't for the life of me work out how to sync a folder on my MacBook Air with my iMac.


I'm not a programmer so I'd really appreciate it if someone could take the time to explain how to do this in simple language.


Also, can I share folders across and between all of my devices or do the folders I want to share have to live on one device (eg. my iMac) which acts as a base station?


By the way, I tried the Get Started page but it didn't help me much. Thanks for your help.

Edited by GrahamJClark
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Thanks for contacting us. We are working to make getting started page more clear and understandable.

There is no "main" device. In P2P all devices are equal. If you shared the folder on imac, MBA and ipad with the same secret - they will share data in that folder. For example, once new file appears on MBA - it will sync it to ipad and imac. However, if new file appeared on MBA while it is offline (or BTSync is off) - ipad and imac won't have any idea that there is a new file in the shared folder.

Now about the instructions on how to sync a folder with your imac. If you want to sync the same folder which you already synced between MBA and ipad, follow next instructions:

1. Open your BTSync on MBA.

2. Open shared folder properties, copy the secret to clipboard.

3. Transfer the secret to your imac (whatever way fits the best - secure mail, manual typing, etc.)

4. Open BTSync on imac, click "Add folder"

5. Paste the secret you just transferred from macbook to secret editbox. Choose some folder you want toget synced with your ipad and MBA.

Thats it. The data from folder you chose will be delivered to macbook and ipad while data from Sync folders on ipad and macbook will be delivered to your imac.

If you want to sync another folder between MBA and imac - you need to do pretty same, but on step 2 you need to add another folder to Sync on macbook and generate a new secret for it instead of taking existing..

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