Parallel Chunk Downloads

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Can anyone explain how many chunks a peer will download in parallel from a seeder?

It seems it is one chunk at a time. But I want to be sure. My goal is to max out my network interface, but I can only get btsync to use less than half.  I have not tweaked any of the settings yet. But they are as so:


{ "device_name": "server1", "disk_low_priority": 1, "download_limit": 0, "external_port": "0", "folder_rescan_interval": "600", "lan_encrypt_data": 1, "lang": 4294967295, "listening_port": 17405, "log_size": "10", "max_file_size_diff_for_patching": "1000", "max_file_size_for_versioning": "1000", "rate_limit_local_peers": 0, "recv_buf_size": "5", "send_buf_size": "5", "sync_max_time_diff": "600", "sync_trash_ttl": "30", "upload_limit": 0, "use_upnp": 1 }


If a peer does only download one chunk at a time from a seeder, it would seem the only way to increase throughput would be to increase the number of seeders in this case. So a peer would download one chunk from each of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think this is why, when I have a single large file to download... btsync is convenient and it plods along at 2.5MB/s. However, if I have a significant amount of smaller files (say... .rar files), I boot up FileZilla and kick-off 10 simultaneous transfers. Each hits between .5-1.5MB/s which roughly maxes out my server's 100mbit NIC.


I suppose you're probably right re: having more seeders. For my usage, I am sending direct from my server to my home machine.

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