Generate Many One Time Secrets/connect Links


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Well I have an idea of using it as a distribution channel for files that are bought from me... I use S3 now but sometimes people start downloading and then get abrupted by something and have to sak me for a new link. With bittorrent and a couple of "seeders" I will set up I am thinking I could get a lot of these three times secrets and then stuff them into my e-commerce and tie them to a sold product.


I know it might not be the intended use of bittorrent sync. I have thought about using a torrent and have a installer with a password that connects to my server but that is a bit inconvenient. With bittorrent sync I can give away a link and it will work as a downloader. I don't like copy protection but I don't want the files open on a conventional torrent either...


Is it stupid to think about using bittorrent sync for this?

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It will work, but only for no more than for 49 customers. Currently Sync can't maintain more than 50 simultaneous peers. We are planning business edition of Sync which will be able to work with more peers.


Also, I tested it in my lab - every time I generate a link - it is different, with different one-time key. When inspecting link - please pay attention co "i=..." parameter. It is actually the one-time key. The rest of params will be the same. See here for more details about what is included in link.

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